Let’s be honest: Summer is most likely everyone’s favorite season, and, frankly, you look and feel your best from June through September. I happen to be slightly jaded as a transplant Californian when it comes to summers in NYC . . . because they actually end. When you are a resident of any coastal West Coast city, summer is never really over; the days just cool off a little come November.
There are no heavy jackets to bring up from a basement, no gloves, no chunky cable-knit sweaters. There’s no need for a monster closet in Los Angeles unless your last name begins with K. I never imagined a day when I’d have to send a rolling-rack of jackets to The Real Real because I had accumulated too many over the past decade because of the global warming crisis, aka the coldest %$#&^*# winters in Manhattan’s history.
I’m already bracing for my seasonal depression. Let’s talk about it. Hanging on to summer as long as we can should be our goal here, together, all of us. Let’s make sure we take advantage of every second we can up until Thanksgiving. I am begging all of you to ignore the No White Pants After Labor Day rule. It’s not 1950, and we do not live by the rules of archaic commercialism precepts, so we can start there.
When you come to the Hamptons after Labor Day, promise me you will carry the spirit of the summer into your lives by buying every single sale item of clothing that is associated with the Hamptons, for it will make you happy when you wear it wherever you go. SoulCycle has Hamptons-related swag like no other, so be sure to drop into the Barn location on Butter Lane in Bridgehampton before you leave town.
Let’s not forget our local farmers. We keep their businesses thriving by eating their delicious veggies, fruit, and in some cases their wild caught fish, so make sure you load up the car with everything you can squeeze onto your Escalade dashboard. Fruit and veggies when in season are superfood for your body. Best you get them into your system before the summer crops are depleted.
Make sure to stop by one last time to your favorite Hamptons restaurants, shops, car wash, flower guy, manicurist, hair salon, and give them a little something to say thanks for a bitchin’ summer. Many of the people who work out here are seriously wiped when the summer crowd leaves, and that little sliver of appreciation to them does not go unnoticed.
I plan on squeaking out every last bit of summer by teaching out here on weekends if I can until the Barn doors close in mid-November!
Happy summer 2019, everyone!