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Tiffany Sorya: CEO of Novel Education Group

Tiffany Sorya


If anyone could “make smart stylish again,” it’s Tiffany Sorya, the founder and CEO of Novel Education Group. Sorya is a renowned influencer and thought leader in the education industry, pioneering a movement of passionate students who love what they learn. She is the student success story many parents dream of: academics hadn’t been her strong suit growing up, but Sorya blossomed when she attended Portland State University — there, something clicked. Sorya found her talent for learning and teaching, shining in her classes and leading study groups of her peers. “Because I hadn’t always been the best student, I understood why so many kids performed poorly, or why they couldn’t understand a difficult topic; I had been there.” This understanding and relatability made her a great teacher and tutor. When she moved to Los Angeles post-college, Sorya continued tutoring to “keep herself on her toes.” Word spreads quickly in the City of Angels, and soon, Sorya was the private educator of Kylie and Kendall Jenner, two of the most famous teenagers America has ever seen.

Novel Education Group

Founding Novel Education Group with two high profile clients, Sorya knew she needed to adapt her curriculum to something unique and accommodating, something beyond the mundane state education standards. “I felt I was doing a disservice to my students by providing a curriculum I didn’t believe in. So that’s when I really created Novel,” confessed Sorya. Novel Education Group is an elite homeschooling and academic enrichment agency focused on creating a customized and personalized learning environment. Sorya vets teachers, curriculums, and programs before carefully pairing each with a student, taking into account personalities and passions. She estimates that her homeschooled students — whose curriculum is provided by Novel’s partner, the online private school Laurel Springs — spend only 15 hours per week in class, nearly 20 hours less than the majority of students in America.

Specialized Academic Enrichment

Beyond homeschooling, Novel Education Group offers Specialized Academic Enrichment; here, the student’s interests provide the inspiration and structure behind either a 4-week, 8-week, or 12-week program, which is available for high school elective credit. Examples of subjects would be architecture, psychology and dance — subjects that are often neglected until college. The Academic Enrichment program allows the student to better understand their interests, thus preparing them to pursue these courses in their college years.  Novel Education Group also partners with Command Education, a high-end college consultancy, to ensure their students have a competitive edge when it comes to the college application process.

Distance Learning

“Because of the pandemic, so many students are remote through their own high school. The stigma behind homeschooling, or what I like to call ‘distance learning,’ has faded,” explained Sorya. “Distance learning is on the brink of monumental popularity and change.” Unlike most schools, Novel does not overcompensate the lack of physical classroom time with hours of homework; instead, Novel simply embraces technology and offers opportunities to pursue a personalized education. “Students are highly responsive to distance learning, and ‘tutoring pods,’ as we have seen in these last few months,” she elaborated.


Novel Education Group grants their students freedom, control, and accountability that, in turn, inspires deep love and respect for learning. In fact, Tiffany Sorya wants to reform the students’ perception of education entirely. “Our ultimate goal is to make students thirsty for learning again. Because being smart is actually really cool.”


Social Life Magazine