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Kima Center For Physiotherapy & Wellness

No other country comes close to the United States in spending on pain, while many of those other countries see much better outcomes in overall health. These facts beg the question: are we treating the cause of our pain or merely addressing the symptoms?

Pain usually results from an accumulation of symptoms that were overlooked, with the cause never having been addressed. Is our medical system in the U.S. too focused on the band-aid rather than digging deep and unveiling the culprit?

Twelve years ago KIMA Center for Physiotherapy and Wellness opened to treat the cause of pain, not just its symptoms. The founders Patricia Ladis, PT, CBBA, and Tracey Vincel, PT, MPhty, CBBA, are each licensed physical therapists and certified behavioral breathing analysts. The KIMA philosophy is that pain in any form is actually an invitation to bring new understanding about ourselves to light. “Pain is your brain’s way of signaling how much danger you’re in,” says Vincel. 

Ladis, a former professional dancer and PT with the U.S. Tennis Association, brings an eye for movement and skill in identifying poor patterns that lead to joint wear and tear or repetitive injuries. Vincel earned a second master’s degree in spine physiotherapy from the prestigious program at the University of Queensland. Her expertise in pain neuroscience and spine manipulation contributes greatly to the breadth of KIMA’s integrative approach.

The experience and credentials of the team of KIMA physical therapists, massage therapists, Pilates, yoga, and tai-qi instructors inform their practice, which goes well beyond the status quo of physical therapy. All licensed physical therapists are credentialed to treat all body parts, but KIMA’s staff have also have sub-specialties, raising the bar for patient care. 

KIMA’s staff carefully evaluates each patient to reveal the true source of pain. Ladis explains that a person’s hip pain, for example, might have its source in mid back imbalances, an improper gait, or even an inflammatory diet. Someone’s back pain might result from a “bracing strategy” secondary to stress and anxiety. Poor posture sometimes results from inner sadness. KIMA digs deep to understand the sources and nuances of a patient’s pain. Among the myriad causes and effects of pain may even be dysfunctional breathing which they analyze and optimize. 

When we tune into our body, mind and breath — becoming aware of its sensations without judgment — we can learn alternative choices for the way we move, think and breathe — choices that activate new energy to eliminate and prevent pain.

KIMA’s website lists scores of diagnoses that the center treats, along with a host of modalities for treating specific problems — in the proper order. Some examples of KIMA’s approach include manual therapy techniques, joint manipulation, visceral manipulation, capnography, therapeutic exercise training with emphasis on stabilizing muscles, whole body vibration, neuromuscular re-education, gait and running analysis, EMG motion analysis, real-time ultrasound biofeedback, and home exercise programs.

KIMA’s professionals are on top of evidence-based practices in physical therapy and wellness. Some examples of specialties include pain in the spine, hip, and pelvic region; pre- and post-partum pain; headaches and TMJ. Everything at KIMA’s 9,000-square-foot-facility is state-of-the-art.

Treating ailments is only half of what KIMA is about. Maintaining wellness throughout a person’s life, even into old age, is a critical aim of KIMA’s mission. In our July 20 issue, we’ll cover the pro-active and holistic services that KIMA provides to help people stay well, have freedom of movement, and be free of pain throughout a lifetime. You’re never too young or too old to start this journey.

KIMA Center for Physiotherapy and Wellness

7 West 22nd Street, 8th FL, NYC


Social Life Magazine