Lisa Rosenbaum, Anthoula Katsimatides, Hunter Avery and Michele Peacock
Hunter Mountain Film Festival Awards Gala
The Hunter Mountain Film Festival (HMFF) recently took place in Hunter and Tannersville, NY and one of the highlights was the Gala Awards where the very best of the festival were honored. Anthoula Katsimatides (Actress from CBS’s, FBI and producer of the HMFF Best Documentary winning Olympia) was the emcee of the event which saw Orange is the New Black’s Hunter Emery receive The Rising Star Award. Betty Aberlin, who is best known for her role as Lady Aberlin on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, received HMFF’s 1st Annual Lifetime Achievement Award for a career in the entertainment business spans over 50 years. The award was presented by Academy Award winner and Aberlin’s close friend, Melissa Leo. Actress, model and host Tatum Peacock was on hand to interview the night’s winners and guests including Hunter Emery, Kevin Kane (Actor, Netflix’s “Bonding”), Evan Leone (Actor, NBC’s “The Blacklist”), Jeremy Helm (Actor, Netflix’s “House of Cards”).
About Hunter Mountain Film Festival

The Hunter Mountain Film Festival collaborated with the Doctorow Center for the Arts and The Opheum Film and Performing Arts Center to showcased cinema from across the country. The three-day event also featured discussions from Hollywood insiders on an array of topics and current trends within the industry. Panelists included Heidi Eklund (Owner- Hudson Valley Casting), Wayne Pyle (Actor from HBO’s Succession), and Lisa Rosenbaum (Talent Agent-Andreadis Talent Agency). “HunterMountain Film Festival is for the serious filmmaker who wants to surround themselves with the Hudson Valley film community and what RecordOnline says is ‘Becoming Hollywood East’,“said panelist, Co-Director and Andreadis Talent Agency’s Michele Peacock.
The Producer Sessions
The Producers Sessions followed with Justin Ferrato (Editor- HBO Trailers and Behind The Scenes Featurettes, Game of Thrones), Martin Rosete ( Remember Me, Money, Voice Over, and The Chain) Ray Preziosi (Renowned cinematographer /Casino-title sequence, Family Secrets, Frog & Wombat) and Grammy Award Winner, Alan Douches (West West Side Music, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Horses: Patti Smith & Her Band-Documentary, and Time Can Break Your Heart) giving first-hand insight on all the happenings behind the lens.

World-Class screenings
After world-class screenings of A Bread Factory Part 1 and 2, which stars Tyne Daly, James Marsters and Janeane Garofalo was among the highlights of the festival. The screening of Walters Ride: The True Harley Davidson Story was a part of the festival’s Harley Davidson Kickoff Motorcycle Ride where bikers experienced the beauty of the Catskills as they rode from Woodstock Harley Davidson to the film festival venue and ending with a showing of the film, as well as an opportunity to see avant-garde horror film, White Knuckle.